"PhD" plus "Chance Discovery" makes a Flight Ticket to Success!

17th March 2012 (Sat) 13:15-18:00

Place (may change from): Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo

The CDlabo

Scope: Having studied or got PhD relevant to chance discovery, these leading workers both in businesses and sciences are developing their successes beyond the horizons they were looking at before joining us. The aim of this seminar is simple: Just listen to and talk with them, so that we can create a new innovators marketplace of knowledge...

Introduction (13:15 - 13:30) Current Status of Chance Discovery
Yukio Ohsawa, Professor, The University of Tokyo

Session I (13:30 - 15:00) : Foundamental studies

Curation: What should be shown and what should NOT be shown
Akinori Abe, NTT CS labo,
moving as professor to a university from April

Curation in general is a task in (art) museums, galleries or exhibitions. One of the main tasks of curation is to organize exhibitions. In which curators should properly exhibit a truth which is a result of their reserches and interpretations. In addition, recently the style of curation hasrather been changed from an ``educational'' curation to that involving many possibilities. In this talk, I will review an ordinal curation system and new type of curation, then talk possibilities and aspects of ``curation'' from the viewpoint of chance discovery.

Support methods for chance discovery in human communication
Yoko Nishihara, Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo
moving to Ritsumeikan University from April

This presentation introduces support methods for chance discovery in human communication and data interaction. People trying to create new products and services must inquire into information closely from multiple viewpoints. Unfortunately, people tend to consider a few viewpoints that are familiar with them. The presenter thinks that unfamiliar viewpoints support people strongly for chance discovery, and has tried to propose methods extracting unfamiliar viewpoints. Proposed methods used in Innovation Game(R) and Analogy Game are introduced in this presentation.

Session II (15:30 - 18:00) : Business people, be robust and resilient! Messages from working PhD

Requirement for Systems Thinking for Reinforcing Chance Awareness - Toward Omission of Closed Business
Jun Nakamura, PhD, Volvo Group, General Manager, and
Visiting Professor in Kanazawa Institute of Technology

Big walls between organizations, firms, and specialties, are disturbing activities in spite of opportunities to win world-wide competition in businesses. In this talk, two games - Analogy Game and Koto Factory Game - are presented to as tools for the stimulation of systems-thinking and the elevation of four kinds of resource-connecting talents.

Logical Thinking for Translating from Concepts to Products
Noriyuki Kushiro, PhD, Senior Manager for Mitsubishi Electric Corp,
moving soon to a university as professor

The translation from concepts in user's desire to products is complex for at least three reasons - first, user seldom understands one's own desire as concretely as to order products or product designs. Second, the designer cannot easily understand the requirement of the user. Third, we may have multiple ways for realizing user's requirement if understood. Methods and cases of translating from concepts to designs, converging to one product with highlighting stakeholders' promises and constraints, are presented in this talk.

Capturing chain reaction structure in economic and financial events
Shinichi Goda, PhD, Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ bank

There are many chain reaction events in economic and finance field, like chain reaction bankruptcies and series of stock price drops among markets. Production stoppages due to the brake of supply chain caused by natural disasters and the spread of euro crisis are recent cases of chain reaction phenomena. In this session, combined use of "time ordering techniques" "Chain KeyGraph R", a method developed to support business persons to capture chain reaction structure in economic and financial events.

Understanding societal and economic collapses from fluctuations
Yoshiharu Maeno, Principal researcher of NEC corp., Founder of Social Design Group

In this talk, the speaker discusses the possibility of the general theory to understand the col lapse of a socio-economic system from network fluctuations.

Communication time with drinks