Professor Ohsawa: The Concept
Chance Discovery is the field of rare events. Where Chances are discovered by methods, not by chance.
For new Master and Doctor candidate applicants
Note to Applicants to Ohsawa Lab: Applicants as research students from 2019 are required to, i.e. MUST, explain the meaning of at least 10 items from the list below representing our core fruits, and their relationships from the viewpoint of systems innovation. Send your explanation as a letter addressed to ohsawa AT, with your CV and other documents useful for understanding your background.
In case of unnatural similarity of letters from multiple applicants, all may be rejected without further direct communication. The list for 2018 is below:
(1) innovators' marketplace (2) data jackets (3) chance discovery (4) data crystallization (5) KeyGraph (6) variable quest(7) DJ store (8) multi-dimensional hearing (9) resource finder(10) iChance
(11) analogy game (12) tangled string (13) influence diffusion model (14) cost-based cooperation of multi-abducers (15) networked bubble propagation (16) auxiliary eye movements(17) nonconformity detection (18) super soliton
A Skype interview will be organized if your documents are accepted by Profs Ohsawa and Hayashi.
Try to input you Data Jackets!
We propose a method, Data Jackets, for creating a market of data. Try to input your Data Jackets in our website.
Data Jackets Entry Form
Here is the slides about how to register Data Jackets.
Proposal of WS on Desigining the Market of Data, for ICDM2013
Tools, Open services, etc.
Appeal the data which you own or you know ... using the Data Jacket Entry Form!
Index, visualize, and create data and thoughts with the free KeyGraph(R).
*** Note: Trademarks are registed in Japan and US, for KeyGraph(R), Innovators Marketplace (R) (in US), and "キーグラフ" (in Japan)